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Hello, I write only to inform my country in Chile, there has been a major earthquake considerations 8.5 degrees on the Richter scale, at present the outlook is very bad. Me and my family are fine but throughout the country have happened deaths from this phenomenon. Hopefully this will end soon.

Enclosed is a link with information:
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Best wishes for all people in Chile from Poland. I hope that everything will calm down soon.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Esperemos que no vuelva a suceder DAPC! Tuvimos algunas réplicas de este lado de la cordillera también, en varias provincias. Mi marido que está ahora en un campeonato en Bariloche tuvo que ser evacuado anoche por los temblores.


14 years ago
Logo Designer
Sending warm thoughts of safety and calm to you and your country.

(Having experienced a 6.9/7.1 earthquake, I can barely imagine an 8.5.)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Que bueno que estas bien Dapc fue un temblor muy fuerte ojalá no sea de muchas consecuencias en la población los daños materiales llevarán tiempo pero las vidas humanas son lo mas importante, ánimo y estamos contigo y tu pais.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks to everyone for their support, people in Chile need it, thank you being part of LT are all very understanding and good people, that helps a lot to be stronger now.


Gracias a todos por su apoyo, la gente de Chile lo necesita, agradezco ser parte de LT son todos muy comprensivos y buena gente, eso ayuda mucho para tener más fuerza en estos momentos.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
I can imagine how that is like, witnessed the earthquake here in Egypt , it was at a scale of 7.5 richter , can imagine how its like.

Hopefully people will make it through and glad to hear you and your family are great.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
stay safe....glad you are ok, so sad:(:(
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Espero que todo pase pronto y esten bien! Abrazo Fernando.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Sending prayers and Light to you and all of Chile.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Hopes and prayers from people of Indonesia to you and Chile...
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello, recently I could connect because the city was without power. Thanks to all: pranavidia, peachdz9, FernandoBrandManager, tini1,
Daz, Revotype, Loquaz, TahiaDesign_f, Signal, thank you very much for your good vibes !!!!!!

Aftershocks are continuing, mild tremors, we are very attentive to what will happen.

Lamentablamente continue to add more people killed by the earthquake and tsunami causes, I hope this does not worsen.

Again thank you all for your greetings and blessings.

PD: Amigos argentinos espero que esto no continúe, por lo que he escuchado solo van a seguir temblores suaves, que no deberían ser muy complejos pero siempre hay que estar alerta.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Lamento mucho lo sucedido, espero que pronto todo se recupere en Chile y en Argentina... un abrazo
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Best wishes from Hungary.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Lo siento muchísimo, debe ser terrible. Espero que al menos cesen ya los temblores, y podáis recuperar un poquito de normalidad. Un abrazo muy fuerte desde España.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello, again thanks for your words, I tell them that little things are improving. Are returning basic services to people who had the most problems. And the tremors are less intense. Greetings to all. thanks for your prayers.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Estoy mirando TVN casi te diría las 24 hrs. Son dantescas las imágenes que pasan, los testimonios. Gente que lo ha perdido todo, vidas que nunca más van a volver, falsas alarmas de tsunami que generan pánico otra vez. Todo muy muy triste. Y en medio de tanto dolor, los partos, las apariciones de desaparecidos, pequeños milagros.

El esfuerzo por reconstruir las zonas más afectadas tendrá que ser grandioso. Espero que el pueblo se encuentre unido para cuando tomen real magnitud de lo sucedido y la pequeña porción de saqueadores y aprovechadores de la situación tomen conciencia del mal sobre mal que generan.

Mucha fuerza, desde Argentina!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Please be well and know we are thinking of the people in your country. May things continue to get better quickly.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Nat, TahiaDesign, exactamente ese es el panorama de Chile en estos momentos, agradezco a Dios no haber sufrido un problema tan grave como los está sufriendo muchas familias ahora.
Además muy molesto con el Gobierno por el hecho de no tomar una desición clara en el minuto de la catástrofe, imaginate que no advirtieron a ningún pueblo de una alerta de maremoto, fue todo muy lento, ellos mismos asumieron el error después de todo lo sucedido. En fin, ahora queda solucionar los problemas de la gente que lo necesita, y después culpar. Estoy junto a mi esposa ayudando a la gente con lo que se pueda y a las mascotas que quedaron sin hogar, comprándoles alimento junto a muchas personas más. Espero que esta ayuda y la solidaridad de la gente de Chile nos haga más grande en esta situación tan grave.

Nat TahiaDesign, that's exactly the picture of Chile at the moment, thank God have not suffered such a serious problem as many families are suffering now.
Also very annoyed with the Government on the fact of not making a clear Desición the minute of the disaster, warned not imagine that any people of a tsunami warning was all very slow, error assumed themselves after what happened . Well, now is solving the problems of people in need, and then blame. I'm with my wife helping people with what we can and pets left homeless by buying food along with many others. Hope this helps and solidarity of the people of Chile makes more of us in this situation as serious.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Esperemos que en el teletón de mañana puedan llegar a la cifra que esperan, y que ese dinero LLEGUE a destino y no se "pierda" por el camino!!!! Yo doné 200 USD, sé que es nada pero supongo que si mucha gente lo hace algo sumará. Ves las imágenes y quedás sin palabras. Menudo comienzo que tendrá Piñera, no estaba en sus planes arrancar reconstruyendo un país!

14 years ago
Logo Designer
The earthquake was 8.8 (confirmed). There were more than 280 aftershocks so far.

The earthquake was 3 times the Haiti one and liberated 500 times more energy. It was located 48KM from the surface (I don´t want to imagine the consequence if closer). 802 deaths so far.
14 years ago
LogoTournament Staff
Stay safe, and best wishes from Canada
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you very much to everyone for their well wishes much appreciated for your prayers.

It's amazing what people are doing in Chile, to help those who are suffering at this time. Many activities are underway to cooperate, contests, parties, telethon, and so on.
It's amazing that people like TahiaDesign of Argentina, has cooperated that is exciting and speaks highly of the Argentine people.

Replicas are still in several cities in Chile, reaching Grade 6.
People are still uncertain, I hope the situation improves ..
This will not delete solidarity.

Greetings and thanks a million.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
International Donations:

Citi Cruz Roja Nº 9941973331 Code ABA: 021000089
Address: 153 east 53 Rd. Street 4th floor. New York, NY 10022.

In the USA you can donate USD 10 for the Red Cross in Chile sending "CHILE" to #90999.

With your credit card, Foreign Credit Card Donations

Using PayPal:

they are trying to raise 30,000,000 USD in a 24 hs.TV program- Please help!
You can follow the TELETHON online on
14 years ago
Logo Designer
24 hours Telethon so far (10PM - March 6th): Raised so far: 24,684,897,000 Chilean pesos (48,500,000 USD)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
USD 48,500,000 raised so far!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
AMAZING!. they doubled the goal: 60,000,000 USD
14 years ago
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