
What if we don't like any of these logos and the contest ends?

Our contest has been up for 3 days now, there are not enough entries. What is there is so far not acceptable. We've invited numerous designers and we need to know what happens if the contest ends and we cannot accept any of the logos submitted?

We've written a great deal about the specifics of color, design, and ideas but only have 4 even acceptable entries. There are numerous logos that say "withdrawn" but we never saw them.

So far we are not happy with this service.

Please advise.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
I for one, haven't came across your contest yet, reason is, there are so many out there, and most designers probably notice contests on their last 2 days at some cases, you still have 3 days to go.

Second, you've not have many of the talented designers here on LT have a go at your contest, but am sure they will, just be patient a little bit.

Then, i am sure you will be satisfied with what you are getting.

15 years ago
Logo Designer
Interesting contest. I'm joining soon:)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Kevin Hughes Design said:
Daz got it right. Most of the top ranked designers don't join a contest until there are 1-2 days left--which is usually enough to nail down a solid logo. You'll have a flood of entries coming in soon.

I'll be throwing my hat into the ring shortly.. as soon as I put some food in my belly. Can't design on an empty stomach!

You bet ! i can't work with an empty stomach either, too bad it gets to roar 5 - 6 times a day, gotta spend a lot to just feed it ! more logo designing i guess, hehe
15 years ago
Thank you so much for all your feedback! We upped it the $50. at least so that we had more to offer, but were very nervous to go higher since we didn't know the system. I gladly would have put more if I knew there was some sort of safe guard that we were actually going to get a good product.

It would have been nice to have somewhere (FAQ page) that let us understand the pro's and con's and how to work this site... but we're learning.

15 years ago
Logo Designer
Kevin Hughes Design said:
Another tip for you:

Keep up with ranking the entries: the more you rank, the more it shows that you are keeping an interest in your contest, as well as helps designers know what you are looking for, what appeals to you visually, etc.

Again, most entries come within the last couple days--and it is VERY rare that you will not find something you like by the end of the contest. Also, I don't know if it is a viable option for you, but the pay is a huge incentive for many designers--the higher the price money, the more entries you will ultimately get.

The same goes for ranking--many designers will look at a contest, and if there has been no ranking, they will not bother to enter: as I said, no ranking or feedback makes it somewhat of a shot in the dark for designers.

15 years ago
Logo Designer
And another tip go easy on the not interested button, you might not understand this yes winning 1st prize is (1st prize) but we designers have fierce competition to move up in the rankings so the more designs you rank the better, and the more points we earn. Sometimes I take a look at a competition and if all I see is not interested I move on to another competition or I see the same designer and variations of the same logo 20 times in the top position I just recon oh the Contest holder has already made up his mind. We are playing the odds here if they are not in our advantage its wiser for us to move to another tournament. However that said I shall be glad to give your contest a bash.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
There are no guarantees you will get EXACTLY what you're hoping for. What I CAN guarantee is that for $300, you will get FAR more than what $300 will buy from a design firm. Most advertising agencies or design houses will charge anywhere from $500-$5,000 for a logo, and you will most likely have 3-10 designs to choose from. And, even for that price... there are no guarantees. Here you have the opportunity to work closely with an international community of incredibly talented artists to create a dynamic and effective logo for your business.

Logo Tournament staff and designers will give you their all...that I promise! In the end...if more time is needed, you can work with LT admin. and extend your contest.

My guess (based on experience) is that, in the end, LT designers will exceed your initial expectations.

Best of luck with your contest....and business!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
I'm with peach! And remember, you don't need 4 logos, or 14, or 40 -- you only need one! So it's just a matter of that ONE great design being entered...

Another thing to note: You haven't ranked any of the entries in your contest. Not ranking can scare away designers. We don't like to spend time working on a contest if we aren't likely to get feedback in the form of individual comments and ranking. This is because we've all been in contests that have never been ranked and in which the contest holder never comments or participates, which is not at all the way to find that one logo you're dreaming of. You can rank and rerank throughout the contest, and you can click on a designer's name to see their entries page and give personal feedback. Just a thought for you to consider going forward...

Good luck!
15 years ago
Oh, OK!! Thank you so much for that feedback. We had no idea how it works on your end. This website really needs a TIP page, because we're flying blind over here. We thought if I ranked, then when the times up, We're stuck with what we ranked. We moved allot into "not intersted" because we wanted to clean up the page and concentrate on the TOP ones we wanted to work with. Several had great ideas... but the COLORS were NOT what we asked for and they got in the way of our vision. OK, I'll go rank!

15 years ago
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