Logo Designer
Congrats Ysonmez being selected winning designer for Liquid Planet Studios
Well done!
Well done!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank u for this thread ECC... It was tough but very nice contest and very quick approve:) Also thanks to all fellow designers who supports by mails and messages:)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
I followed the contest and there were some pretty great designs in the contest that were binned to my surprise (mine was bad, so i'm not counting that one.:P)
I followed the contest and there were some pretty great designs in the contest that were binned to my surprise (mine was bad, so i'm not counting that one.:P)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Congrats man! Big win, a lot of people wanted it (including me!) :)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
yosonmez, I'm so happy you took this gold, not gold but emerald award! You deserve it at 100%! Congratulations!
15 years ago