Just tossing along other first impressions as a new user of LT. I find it is helpful to pass these on when my brain is still in "new user" mode, before it has been tainted :) By the way, for anyone who happens to be reading my first impressions posts, I'll add that I am really impressed with the site, and really enjoying it, but just passing these on in hopes of the site becoming even better.
My most recent realization is that the ranking process for CHs becomes pretty cumbersome after roughly 100 or so submissions have arrived. At that point you just start tossing most of your new submissions to the middle of the stack (because even tossing them to the bottom is a lot of scrolling up and down), and just take one or two of them and bring them to the top. Seems like there is room for improvement here. Some ideas (again, I wouldn't be surprised if these have been mentioned in the past - if so, consider these comments a +1 vote for them) include:
- Notions of clustering variations of same design. This one would help a ton. Currently I end up putting one near the top, and the rest of the variations down below which isn't really accurate of my sentiment towards the design, just a hack to deal with the overflow of designs. More ideal would be to, say, rank all of these slight variations as - for example - #3 in my ranks, and then perhaps within that bucket, I can move things around and sub rank them as I wish.
- Allowing arbitrary CH defined clusters - for example - I'm not sure if I want to go with a flat logo, or a 3D logo - so let me bucket logos in those two categories instead of trying to weave the rankings through.
- Ranking within the main page, instead of having to go to sub page to rank - would be nice to just drag things around on the main page.
- Group dragging - highlight a bunch of images at once, and pull them to the middle or the bottom of my pile.
- Ability to have a guest rank. For example, invite another person who has a vested interest in the logo, and give them a profile that is linked to yours, in which they could do their own ranking, and share with you.
Probably most of the above features should be "advanced" features. I like the current setup as the default, and it works really well up to a point, but as mentioned, once you hit N photos (for me it was around 100), it gets cumbersome.
There are of course issues that would need to be ironed out with a lot of the ideas above, but just wanted to toss them out there in their raw form.