
Existing Logo Polish

I have a logo that I designed and am presently using on business cards and present advertising. Basically I am looking to have the logo polished to a level that I know I cannot complete on my own given my limited graphical abilities. I have taken the logo as far as I can take it but it appears to be missing that final coat to shine.

Would Logo Tournament be the place I am looking for or is there another place that my request would be more suited?
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello Iconic. Yes logo tournament is a great place for a logo polish. If you have an .eps version of your logo please link it to your contest once it it started. Then designers can adjust your original logo and make any finishing touches you would like to see. It is also a great way to get new ideas from some really talented designers. Sometimes they will come up with a new idea that you never would have come up with yourself and your logo may change completely! Best of luck to you!
15 years ago
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