Forum Please help Return to Topics Return to Topics ulahts Logo Designer My keyboard has gone crazy.I did a lot of research over the net about my keyboard skipping letters.It happens aleatory and drives me crazy.Bought a new one, dropped the wireless one. NothingUpdated MB drivers. NothingChanged browsers. NothingVirus scan(safe mode and everthing). NothingDropped firewalls, reset all to the original settngs. NothingHave anyone encountered such a problem? 15 years ago The Fatkid Logo Designer Did you try using a hammer or your foot? 15 years ago Peter Logo Designer busted usb port? tried them all? Mouse working o.k.? 15 years ago illumina Logo Designer format your hard drive. It should be formatted every few months anyhow. also should do defragment at least once a week. 15 years ago ulahts Logo Designer The Fatkid said:Did you try using a hammer or your foot?LOL..hammer tried, foot not yet :D 15 years ago ulahts Logo Designer Logorilla said:busted usb port? tried them all? Mouse working o.k.?Yep, mouse ok. I'll change th USB..that never ocurd my mind... i'll let you know 15 years ago ulahts Logo Designer illumina said:format your hard drive. It should be formatted every few months anyhow. also should do defragment at least once a week.Well, just did that a month ago...ince i have bought two 500GB / 10.000RPM HDD's. I do't think that this is, but thanks. 15 years ago Erik Logo Designer I'll assume it's a usb keyboard. It sounds like something is spiking all your available USB bus bandwidth. I'm betting something something failed when you reinstalled and the USB2.0 drivers weren't installed correctly. When that happens your OS will most likely fallback to USB 1.1 which is only 12mbps. USB2.0 is 480 mbps whis is about 40% faster... and is mandatory now-a-days.Try to find the USP and motherboard drivers for your system and download and install the drivers for it from the manufacturers site. Also make sure there are no device conflicts in the device manager, assuming you're using windows. 15 years ago husk Logo Designer Akronix said:I'll assume it's a usb keyboard. It sounds like something is spiking all your available USB bus bandwidth. I'm betting something something failed when you reinstalled and the USB2.0 drivers weren't installed correctly. When that happens your OS will most likely fallback to USB 1.1 which is only 12mbps. USB2.0 is 480 mbps whis is about 40% faster... and is mandatory now-a-days.Try to find the USP and motherboard drivers for your system and download and install the drivers for it from the manufacturers site. Also make sure there are no device conflicts in the device manager, assuming you're using windows.Geek. 15 years ago D4W Logo Designer check the CPU usage is higher or 100%...its very annoying .....coz its hard to track that!!!{quote}A keyboard that skips letters is a faulty keyboard, it has nothing to dowith the OS. Replace it. 15 years ago ulahts Logo Designer Akronix, thanks.Device manager is fine.I plugged my KB in a different USB slot and now it seems to work.I will leave it this way for a few hours and see what happens.I checked the USB drivers again and again,update them and so forth. It seems that one of the USB slots (the one i usually use for KB) has failed somehow.Thank you all for the infos. Really usefull!Drink's on me!Emi 15 years ago The Fatkid Logo Designer glad I could help. 15 years ago ulahts Logo Designer either some memory issue ... or my MB has something faulty...God how much i miss my old Mac... 15 years ago tini1 Logo Designer ulahts said:either some memory issue ... or my MB has something faulty...God how much i miss my old Mac...ahhhh, mac, so easy to understand......I'd say ditch the whole thing, go out a but a new mac....;-)....;-) 15 years ago