I have just read a post by a designer recommending to not give to specific ideas to designers. According to this comment, good designers don't like you (the CH) to tell them what to do, because they want to develop their own idea and not just action on somebody elses'.
I have been running a contest for 5 days now (related to travel). While I have tried to be as specific as possible about my business and what I would like to get across, I have invited designers to come up with a CREATIVE logo symbolizing discovery spirit. All I got until now, is palm trees, a globe and other no- brainers. After the 3rd or 4th day, I explicitely said that I am rather looking for symbols such as a trailmarker, splashing water, telescope, a sporty travel bag, etc. And still, almost no entries involving any of these. What am I doing wrong?
Thanks for your help