
Post Win Interaction With Contest Holder Question

Logo Designer
I have a chance to win my first one and I am concerned about the contest holder's needs. I will delete my white background and save as an EPS file. Is this all I have to do before uploading? I am concerned about the background of the EPS file and the contest holder's use of that EPS file. Do contest holders often ask for other file formats? Or do they just use that EPS file and the deal is done?
15 years ago
Logo Designer
it needs to be a fully layered, vector format, EPS file. I normally provide EPS, AI and PSD file formats. Sometimes they want web-ready files, so I'll ask what size they want the image and provide a transparent PNG file. It varies with each contest holder. Ask them, its not a question we can answer.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks alot.
15 years ago
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