Let me know what you think, if this makes you think anything at all.
I've uploaded an impression of the way to organize work and eliminate noisy submissions.
http://img401.imageshack.us/img401/2397/lts.jpg[If the link doesn't work for some reason, let me know]
Collapsable concepts is the way to put all variants into one place. Concepts (like folders) will contain it's variants. Only concept would be allowed to be ranked not variants, since variants don't send a broader point across, the only thing that does is the concept itself. This method will allow single concepts to be equally presented to concept folders so it's a fair visual game. This solves the all popular problem of 500+ submissions, since ~ 450 of them are variants of say 10 concepts by 10 different designers. that makes 10 concept folders in the contest. no more Page 3,4..etc. I think everyone will benefit.