You are mistaken big time here, did you know that i design all my logos that won and that you see in my portfolio using just Flash ? and then i take it on Illustrator for final tuning, finishing up, adding gradients and adjusting colors to the CYMK like they were seen in RGB. ;)
Since you didn't use Flash, you wouldn't know its capabilities well, i've been using it for 10 years and to do interactive websites / multimedia cd presentations, you can check my portfolio if you want.
Now, inside the flash, its painting vector tool is very handy, i do a logo in just 5 mins, would you believe that ? and i start drafting it and making different variations in another 10 mins only :)
So, if you have no clue, don't say its like your legs are tide and all that hehe, i'm here and a live proof you can do it using flash, its just knowing how to ;) but i figured it in and out well in the 10 years i can do anything with it and design anything in vector, bare in mind, all my websites done in flash, contains 80 - 90% vector in all of its designed elements, its the core to be vector, and since both are adobe programs, it cordinates great with Illustrator and vise versa.
So, here you go guys, if you were wondering how my logos were done, using what program, now you know and i swear it takes me not more then 5 - 10 mins max to have any logo initiated ;)
Adding gradients and those tricky effects to make it 3d is the easiest part when i take it inside the illustrator, at the end when i created it inside the flash, it was all 100% vector, so it doesnt matter which program i use to make my logo right ? as long as its 100% vector and provided in .ai or .eps and good to go.