Forum Help from All Designers Return to Topics Return to Topics VP Client I was wondering if you have a slice of pizza on your logo, does that mean that you sell pizzas by the slice also/only?? I am not planning to sell any slices, but I like a logo that has a slice on it. My company os Bombay Pizza. Please, help! 15 years ago NancyCarterDesign Logo Designer I don't think a single slice in your logo will cause people to think you sell by the slice. It makes them think of pizza. We eat by the slice, remember. :)That's my opinion, anyway.Blessings and good luck on your contest! 15 years ago The Fatkid Logo Designer Nancy... you eat pizza by the "slice"? Not me! The whole thing at once baby!@VP: Kidding aside... Nancy's right. Don't worry about it. A slice means pizza, period. Nice logo you've got going on there by the way. 15 years ago NancyCarterDesign Logo Designer haha! 15 years ago Finalizer Logo Designer lol @ The FatKid :D 15 years ago Eightball Studios Logo Designer agreed, a slice of pizza just represents a pizza. I would not think that it meant sold by the slice unless you advertised it as such. 15 years ago