Logo Designer
A mini tutorial on how to export PNG with transparent backgrounds using CorelDraw
1. open your working file
2. select the objects you wish to export as PNG (transparent background)
3. Then goto File Menu button select "Export for Office"
4 A pop-up window will open with your selects object(s)
5. Chose your export software (MS Office or Word Perfect I prefer MS Office)
6. Goto Graphic Selcted should be used for: Select "Compatibility ( I tried "Editing" did not like the results)
7. Goto "Optimize" select your preference ( I use commercial printing)
8. Select "Ok" and save to your preferred location
that easy to export PNG file with transparent backgrounds
1. open your working file
2. select the objects you wish to export as PNG (transparent background)
3. Then goto File Menu button select "Export for Office"
4 A pop-up window will open with your selects object(s)
5. Chose your export software (MS Office or Word Perfect I prefer MS Office)
6. Goto Graphic Selcted should be used for: Select "Compatibility ( I tried "Editing" did not like the results)
7. Goto "Optimize" select your preference ( I use commercial printing)
8. Select "Ok" and save to your preferred location
that easy to export PNG file with transparent backgrounds
15 years ago
Logo Designer
No probs I'll contact Tyler to see if we can have a tutorial section..
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Update...the best results for PNG is to resize the artwork before exporting...the larger it is the better the quality. What I normally do is resize (click and drag) to about 6-8 inch then can never has too large bitmap can scale a large bitmap down without loss of quality but the other way around forget it...
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks Orion, much appreciated! I would love to see a Tutorials section maybe divided into groups for which software is used (Illustrator, CorelDraw, etc.)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
A tutorial forum would be an excellent addition to this place. :)
15 years ago