Thanks for checking into it! I know you guys don't see the foreign transaction fee, and I think it's pretty fair to charge the paypal's fee directly to customer (although for example in my business I just eat it as part of COGS). The issue like you said is indeed the fact that something is wrong with what PayPal is doing! Like for example, when I buy something from a Chinese seller on ebay, and pay them through PayPal with my credit card, I don't get charged any foreign fee. So there is no reason for PayPal to be charging in $CAN or charging "from Canada" when we pay your account.
Btw, the foreign transaction fee is now charged by ALL us credit cards. Used to be some had low or no fees but you cannot find ANY nowdays (believe me I tried, because I travel abroad often and keep looking for a card with low fees). So resolving this issue will be a great service to your U.S. customers.
Hope this gets cleared up soon!