
No search functionality. Seriously?

Logo Designer
This has probably been brought up before. But who would know, since there is no search functionality on anything.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
yes, its beginning to really irritate me, as I receive no notifications of any new contests whatsoever, and the only way I can find new contests is to scroll through each and every one manually.
Search is a basic function available on 99% of websites, its beyond me why it hasnt been added here yet.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
It would be nice (and simple) if I could search for character logo contests or any other specific request.
I mean, I scroll new contests anyway, but yesterday I was looking for 'em (characters) and I had to open each one and see...
...time costs :P
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Guys...go to the portfolio link and pick a category...this is not perfect, but it shows you the top submissions in each category...I often choose entry based on this.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Yeah, I'm disappointed it doesn't have a search option either. I would enter a lot more projects personally.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
illumina said:
yes, its beginning to really irritate me, as I receive no notifications of any new contests whatsoever, and the only way I can find new contests is to scroll through each and every one manually.
Search is a basic function available on 99% of websites, its beyond me why it hasnt been added here yet.

Do you have contest notifications turned off? Because I get an email every four hours detailing all the new contests.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
No, its on, its been on since day 1 of my joining, Tyler tried resetting it for me, I get all other emails from this website, comments, etc, just no new contest notifications.

Lindsey said:

Do you have contest notifications turned off? Because I get an email every four hours detailing all the new contests.

Tilly, looking through industry categories would just slow my process down even further, thats absolutely useless for the way I search.
14 years ago
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