
I need help

I have been reaching out to the designers who's work I enjoied..
...a lot of them
I have only recieved one reponce and that was to inform me they do not do my type of logo.
I am worried that this is the feeling of the majority of designers on this site.
Am I way off base or right on target?
please view my contest and let me know your thoughts.

dottie dutton and ryan pitti wedding
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi dottie,

I've just had a look at your contest, and I'm sure you'll get plenty more entries soon - there is still 12 days left to go and a lot of designers prioritise the competitions they enter by the deadline.
I think you're right on target to be using Logo Tournament for you wedding logo, there are many designers on here with a strong illustrative style (which is what I think you're after). Bearing in mind also that these type of logo's take a few more hours to produce, may be the reason for the entries only trickling in.
If there are specific designers you would like to enter, send them a personal message indicating what it is specifically you like about their style/a specific logo of theirs you like, that will help them to know straight away what you're after. Alot of the higher ranked designers get a LOT of generic messages requesting them to enter contests, so specific details show you REALLY do want them to enter.
Anyway, all the best with finding your logo, and more importantly for the big day!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
to follow up on catalysts post,
with a contest that length its usually a bit slow to get started and even more so when the designs requested are a bit more complicated.
there is no need to worry though, you will most definitely get many more entries throughout your contest and you also have the option to extend the contest for another week if necessary
see this post for more info:

hope this helps!
15 years ago
Thank you for the support. I do feel better.

I have sent pm to a lot of designers so hopefully I will get more entries soon.

15 years ago
Logo Designer
Expect to start receiving entries when contest is 3 or 2 days left

15 years ago
Logo Designer
Designers love getting feedback and earning points from your rankings, so if they see you're doing both I think you'll get a good response.

Good luck with the contest, and congratulations on your upcoming wedding.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
I rarely enter 14 day contests, it's just way too long.

Plus in this case I think since dotwoman invented the ArtDeco style she's got quite an edge. There's some nice work in there.

Just give it some time. We have some crazy good illustrators working this site. They'll find your contest.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Dotti you did PM asking that I enter, this is a long contest I shall enter towards the end, dont loose heart, I promise that you will be thrilled with the result you get from the very talented designers here on LT
15 years ago
Dotwoman is doing a great job but, I still cannot wait to see what everyone else has to offer.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
I agree, Contest is too long and that is exhausting because once you join you start with all revisions and so. I always prefer to enter the last days, when I have a clear idea of what CH likes and how Ch ranks the entries.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
max 3 days contest is preferred, intense work on feedback,
15 years ago
I am down to 4 days in my contest. I still only have 4 designers currently working on my contest. I have given feedback on every design submitted. I need more new designers to submitt entries. Please look at my contest.
dottie dutton and ryan pitti wedding
15 years ago
3 days left
15 years ago
Logo Designer
i dont know what is you talked about
15 years ago
Logo Designer
looks like the selections are pretty strong now...
15 years ago
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