Logo Designer
The CH has logged in a number of times, including during blind. But, there have been no comments, brief updates or ranking. The contest is less than an hour away from the selection phase.
Perhaps this is the CH's MO, and they will pick a winner in the selection phase. Or they simply do not understand how LogoTournament works.
I was just wondering if the clients are given any kind of nudge by admin to rank, or at least to make comments during their contest? Just seems weird that they are checking on their contest but not participating even with comments.
The CH has logged in a number of times, including during blind. But, there have been no comments, brief updates or ranking. The contest is less than an hour away from the selection phase.
Perhaps this is the CH's MO, and they will pick a winner in the selection phase. Or they simply do not understand how LogoTournament works.
I was just wondering if the clients are given any kind of nudge by admin to rank, or at least to make comments during their contest? Just seems weird that they are checking on their contest but not participating even with comments.
4 years ago
Logo Designer
For example, if I would be an introvert customer, I'd be glad not to contact no one :D
And of course silent competition form of making logos like LT would be best choise.
Or some people are too busy to read rulebooks or answer every comment (there are a lot of them sometimes).
Anyway, "who pays the piper calls the tune".
And of course silent competition form of making logos like LT would be best choise.
Or some people are too busy to read rulebooks or answer every comment (there are a lot of them sometimes).
Anyway, "who pays the piper calls the tune".
4 years ago
Logo Designer
and there are some nice options there ... who knows - especially with the world in such a strange state with the pandemic - anything could happen.
another MIA CH
another MIA CH
4 years ago
Logo Designer
I like CHs who prefer not to do the ranking thing.I've also had a good success rate with such clients in the past. They get less entries but at the same time they also get less spam entries and and there are no rip off/FTL attempts.. in short - its a much cleaner contest.I agree with BusinessBuilders that they do have some good options there.
4 years ago
Logo Designer
I seem to be in the minority here. I would at least like to see that there are comments in the blind phase. That the client is at least interested in some designs. Even if it's only one comment, it would show that the CH knows how the LT system works. jmo
4 years ago
Logo Designer
rapunzel said:
I seem to be in the minority here. I would at least like to see that there are comments in the blind phase. That the client is at least interested in some designs. Even if it's only one comment, it would show that the CH knows how the LT system works. jmo
I don't think you are in the minority - comments and rankings are helpful - and keeps you from making new versions of a dead design.
4 years ago
LogoTournament Staff
rapunzel said:
The CH has logged in a number of times, including during blind. But, there have been no comments, brief updates or ranking. The contest is less than an hour away from the selection phase.
Perhaps this is the CH's MO, and they will pick a winner in the selection phase. Or they simply do not understand how LogoTournament works.
I was just wondering if the clients are given any kind of nudge by admin to rank, or at least to make comments during their contest? Just seems weird that they are checking on their contest but not participating even with comments.
The CH has logged in a number of times, including during blind. But, there have been no comments, brief updates or ranking. The contest is less than an hour away from the selection phase.
Perhaps this is the CH's MO, and they will pick a winner in the selection phase. Or they simply do not understand how LogoTournament works.
I was just wondering if the clients are given any kind of nudge by admin to rank, or at least to make comments during their contest? Just seems weird that they are checking on their contest but not participating even with comments.
Clients are given numerous nudges.
4 years ago