
I recently got an account

as a designer and am trying to submit my designs to various contests and after uploading, or so I thought...
it says on top: File is not an image in red. What does this mean? I created in Illustrator and submitted Illustrator EPS file. Thanks for any input.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
you need to upload as jpeg, png or gif.
EPS files are only for the final files should you win a contest =)

welcome to LT and good luck!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Welcome to LT!

The eps format is only needed if you win the contest.

To submit as a png or jpeg...rgb...350x280 pixels. Neatly centered in that space. Any other questions...feel free to ask. Good luck!!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi bugy...guess we posted at the same time. :)
15 years ago
Ok, thank you very much!! Have a good night all.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
too fast for you =)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi ;)
I'm new at this site, first of all, welcome all ;)
But I've got one question. I design in Illustrator (CMYK of course), but when I upload jpg, colors are totally difrent :( So during saving in jpg I change it to RGB and then upload (base Ai file is still in CMYK) and now everything is ok. And here is my question. If I win (I don't think so) the colors on site (file in RGB, jpg) will match with eps that I will send (CMYK)? I designed already flyers, book covers, bizcards, but always I send a client tiff (CMYK) as preview, and always everything was ok with colors, but now I'm confused...

Best regards and thanks in advanced for answers
15 years ago
Logo Designer
rgb - is for monitor
cmyk - is for print
cmyk --> rgb will look same on monitor, but different on print
cmyk --> cmyk will look different on monitor, but same on print .

so if you used cmyk - deliver eps as cmyk

the real problem is if you use rgb, bc if you want to print, then rgb--> cmyk will look different on print (even ifi you convert them to cmyk before exporting inside the program)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
i had the same problem and started using PNG instead of JPEG and havent had any colour problems since
15 years ago
Logo Designer
I understand diffrences betwen cmyk and rgb ;) I always design to print in cmyk, my question was how upload image here, because when I save jpg it looks the same as ai on my monitor, but after upload colors are totaly difrent. So when I save in jpg in dialog box I choose rgb, and then after upload it looks same as on my monitor.

Next time I will try png like bugy says, I hope it helps :)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
yea im the same, i design in cmyk (we do lots of print stuff at uni and im just used to it)

png is the way to go!
just make sure you have a 350x280 square for a background otherwise it will export with no / transparent background and will be smaller than the required size = upload problems
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Yes, that works perfectly :) And in Ai while export png is a option to set background white :)
Thanks for great tip!
15 years ago
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