
Stage 1 ranking top 5

Can someone advise if it is better to pick one preferred logo from each of your top 5 designers and rank 1 through 5 or to rank all logos in order of preferred logo...which may result in one designer being ranked 1-3, another designer 4 & 5, a third designer 6-8 spot, etc.? I want to ensure that I have 5 designers participating as we go into phase 2. Please advise.

9 years ago
Logo Designer
you can rank any way you wish, if a designer is ranked 1-3 it doesnt matter, the system allows the first 5 ranked designers to participate, irrelevant of the number they are ranked
9 years ago
Perfect - thanks for the input, that does answer what I was trying to find out.
9 years ago
LogoTournament Staff
Nice of illumina to step in. Thanks illumina.
9 years ago
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