
I need fabulous designers please help me

I am not floored by the designs I have received thus far. I have made updates and comments that have been overlooked. I am looking for a design that incorporates my name as the main artistic piece with my first name and last name in different fonts and colors, maybe even sizes. I'd also like to incorporate the word Realtor and my slogan (More Knowledge, More Exposure, More Results) in the design. I'm desperately seeking a design that will wow my customers, competitors, colleagues, family and friends. Please help me!
11 years ago
Logo Designer
You can copy this message to your contest. Try to make your wishes the clearer you can. It would be great to see some references of what you're looking for. You can choose some fonts to give as reference in this website: and make suggestions like: I want the first word in normal sans serif and the second in script, for example.
11 years ago
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