Forum Don't withdraw designs! Return to Topics Return to Topics webgirl Client I understand if they mark your design in the un-interested category, but I don't get why a designer would withdraw if it is still being considered, what is the harm in keeping it there to the end? Is there a limit to how many you can submit, I don't get it.I saw comments where people said they were ranked 2 or 3 and withdrew because they figured the person ranked number 1 would get it. TIP I can tell you as someone who has managed many contests for clients, there have been several times a logo that wasn't even in top 10 ended up winning. Clients have lots of input from staff, friends, etc. And they can be convinced they love one and the next day they all change their mind because their 8 year old daughter liked something better.Often there are several people involved in the choice, so one day they rank and then 2 people who weren't there give input the next day and it all changes. I just noticed someone withdrew some logos that were still being ranked, and the client just asked where they went. He is annoyed it got withdrawn and doesn't want to ask them to resubmit. So I am just letting people know, that don't think because you aren't in the top 10 that you don't have a chance. It can easily turn around, and your logos are part of the whole decision process. 11 years ago mgal Logo Designer Sometimes there is another contest that has been opened that we can use the design in...and if we don't think it is a contender, then we'll try it somewhere new. You can always PM the designer and ask them to reinstate the designs as well. 11 years ago Hendra Logo Designer +1 mgal 11 years ago DevRen Logo Designer +1. also I prefer to clean any contest that has no prospect. 10 years ago mary gardella Client This just happened to me and I'm really bummed. This designer was in high rankings,too. Please note designers, that many of us are doing this contest for the first time and may not be logo tournament savvy. It's been a great process so far, but I'm in no way an expert. And I didn't read anywhere that a designer can pull out early like this. Doesn't feel good to me. 10 years ago Josh Logo Designer You can always ask the designer to reinstate the entry. All we need to do is click a button and it's back.I withdrew from a contest recentlybecause I was ranked 3rd and didn't have time to complete the requested revisions due to an urgent "real world" client job. Rather than waste a space for another designer in the top 5, I withdrew :-) 10 years ago deux Logo Designer Ranking them instead of just trashing them also works wonders.... 10 years ago Andrei Logo Designer Also, another thing that works is communicating with designers. If I know a design of mine is still in the run, I'll leave it there.. but if I see that all designs except mine are ranked and have comments.. I'll withdraw it. Especially if I see another contest where my design could be a perfect fit.It's all about communication... and sometimes, some clients don't get that.. 10 years ago FountainArtsCenter Client I am communicating but it seems some designers aren't reading the communication.It goes both ways.I think it should be ok to put things in non interesting category esp if they are way off and not even close to the very detailed brief that is written. 10 years ago Ivan F LogoTournament Staff Comments on designer's individual entries in their feedback area are sent to designers so that they see it.If a designer withdraws you can PM them to reinstate: 10 years ago watermark Client This is making me crazy too. I don't think designers should be able to withdraw a design once it's submitted unless the client marks it, not interested. I want to provide feedback as soon as possible, but I'm not the only one looking at the submissions. I'm afraid to give feedback because it seems like there is a knee-jerk reaction to delete other stuff I haven't gotten around to giving feedback about. I don't get it. It's frustrating. 10 years ago Ivan F LogoTournament Staff Designers retain all rights to their designs. We can't rightly force them to keep designs in. There are various reasons designers withdraw. 10 years ago