My "Get Ready Coaching" logo contest ended a couple of weeks ago with RetroMetro_Steve winning. I was astounded with the level of customer service, skilled design work and responsiveness by Steve and others. I would like to personally thank others in addition to RetroMetro_Steve. Luckykid, ninet6, Mungki, logope, ANGELINA and Jekson went well above and beyond during my contest. Thank you!
I can't say enough about how impressed I am by these designers and I invited designers into my contest via private message. I highly recommend these 6 from the many artists. I encourage contest holders to check out the fantastic portfolios of the logotournament designers. You can find logo designs that fit your taste and request the designer to join your contest. They appreciate recognition for their works of art and may very well honor your request. What a value!
Thank you all.
D Dreyer