
Logo Designer
I think there should be a reputation score aside the ranking desinger's get - reputation can be based on dispute result and black mark scores depending upon the degree of violation of the code of conduct and most importantly the extent to which a design was actually copied

i think all top 3 ranked entries should be put on notice for public scrutiny before they are finalised for top spots - we could actually have a page dedicated for viewing only the top entries which are to be finalised for placings - this will help in designers/mods to spot the cheats.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
not necessary, would make us all look bad for the CH's.
think of this as a business with the CH's as the customers and us designers as the employee's.
would you be impressed if you walked into any place of business to find all the workers squabbling amongst themselves?

I'm not totally against the idea of a record being kept regarding how many times each designer gets taken to LC and how many of them they lose but i think it should be for admin's eyes only.
we all know who the worst offenders are any way and they are the ones that matter most.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
good points bugy, enough in fighting lets focus on the positive, my glass is HALF FULL!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Your glass is half full - or half empty !? But actually quite depends on if you are pouring in or pouring out! Am trying to find a way to eliminate copying designs, the less they are the less infighting - think there is a need to keep clean desingers in and weed out the rest - why do we all need to turn a blind eye and pretend that our house is in order!? And wats wrong with a reputation score esp for those who outright use shutter stock & and other vectors!? Or those who simply copy logos from logopond and alike sites?
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Brendan said:
good points bugy, enough in fighting lets focus on the positive, my glass is HALF FULL!

*Schmink tops up Brendan's glass*

There ya go Brendan, have a drink on me! =D

I hate to see someone sitting there with a glass that's only half full.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
mare.ingenii said:
wats wrong with a reputation score esp for those who outright use shutter stock & and other vectors!? Or those who simply copy logos from logopond and alike sites?

like i said, makes us all look bad for the CH's and thus reduces the overall professional feel of LT.
i just don't see the need for any of that stuff.
maybe i have been lucky, ive been on LT for a month and a half now, only twice have i felt i was copied and had to go to logocourt and have never been taken to court myself so...
15 years ago
Logo Designer
The Bug....has good points. if LT take the next step my ranking by reputation then that makes all designers look bad..even good ones..because no designer can ever have 100% score, no one is that good.... ever.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Why would anyone feel so shy about receiving poor reputation scores for designs so entirely copied or of that which uses vectors that are copyrighted? I dont see why reputation scores cant be part of ranking - it sure will act as a deterrent - for blatant copying of shutterstock vectors and alike, a reputation score will sure make people thin twice to use for the fear of a black mark - such reputation score will give the Ch an idea of how original the designer might just be.

Besides we can always have a check and balance - for those who want to appeal against a bad reputation score they can always appeal, for a small processing fee, where in moderators/panel may consider condonation. therefore you see one can always appeal against inadvertent encounters of similar designs.

What logic is that one will not want a reputation scores for blatant plagiarism or use of shutterstock vectors ??? .
15 years ago
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