
This is discouraging

I am surprised just how few solid, good and creative designs we have received. We're already extended the contest by three days and still, if I had to close it right now, I would dump the whole project and hire a local artist. I reviewed all our original instructions, all our feedback, our rankings, and most importantly the artist portfolios. I see some great designs that were done for others but this just isn't working for us yet. It almost feels like I'm reviewing logos from a first year graphics class. Almost without exception the artists have failed to capture the essence of our company.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
I just took a look at your contest and to be fair to the designers that entered there is very little in your original brief to go on. I read it twice and I don't really get what you do. Maybe a little more explanation or some links to examples of what you consider good designs from the previous contests you mention would help.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello Eshotwell,

Communication is the key! Since we cannot see any comment you may have made to designers, many will be shooting blind. As a designer, we depend on any feedback you can offer, good or bad. For instance, I prefer a CH to let me know that they like this, but not that. This way I don't keep running down the wrong path. There really should not be any difference between this site and hiring a local designer. I'm sure you would be in constant contact with the local designer, and you most likely input your thoughts on everything presented. The more contact and feedback we get, the better for all.

As Husk points out, you may feel that the brief explains it all, but remember, that's your baby. You know how it works in and out, and how to best convey your message to your target. The designers needs to take that information and put a visual to it. Reading the contest page as a complete outsider, the brief is short in direction.

Without enough direction we begin to count on trying to read between the lines (and that's not good). You state "No large buildings please... ", yet #1 ranked is a logo showing tall buildings and reflective of a large city. This creates confusion. Additionally, there are some very nice designs and many designs that show that there are no comments to the designer. These designers are essentially stalled until they get some more direction. Remember, good or bad, your input is what nurtures and helps the contest along. I hope this helps. I'm sure that in the end, as with the majority of CH's you will walk away happy and with a great logo. :)

I'm sure if you contact admin they can help you kick start the contest back to life.

Good luck.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
With all due respect, I agree with the others. Because we are not working one-on-one with a client, communication can be difficult on this site. The more the information a CH can give in the brief, the better. It's all we have to go on to start with and until we get feedback from a submission, we don't know if we're on the mark or totally off. After reading your brief, I had difficulty understanding what your company does and what you are wanting to portray in your logo. Honestly, when I review a contest that offers little information, I move on. Two things will drive designers to your contest. #1 - price. Obviously, more money = more participation. #2 - understanding of the company and its needs/requests. Examples of styles you like help and a full description of the company and its products/services always help the artists understand what you're looking for and it gives us a good base of knowledge to start creating from. Without these, you will attract more of the inexperienced designers.
12 years ago
my suggestion is to go to one of the designs you like, click on that designer, private message them and tell them you loved their design and why, ask them to enter your contest. this is how i got BOTH winners to my contests!
then give good feedback about what you like and don't
12 years ago
Logo Designer
vgstaff said:
my suggestion is to go to one of the designs you like, click on that designer, private message them and tell them you loved their design and why, ask them to enter your contest. this is how i got BOTH winners to my contests!
then give good feedback about what you like and don't

+1 agree
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Also as I can see you didn't give much information to follow...The stylistic sliders are often conflicting and nebulous and mean something different for each the most important thing is to communicate specific direction and not use terms as 'open' because that is infinite and needs to be narrowed down to what you envision.

CHs who give specific input will arrive at the design they are desiring to see.

Designers express 'thoughts' visually and the information given whether concrete or abstract is specifically interpreted from that input. If the input is missing key and necessary cues the designs will also miss them.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
main reason why contest holders dont get what they want is a lack of feedback.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Rändi said:
main reason why contest holders dont get what they want is a lack of feedback.

Very frustrating, especially when you spend hours doing different variations.
12 years ago
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