
Ranking Logos Question

Is it better for designers that we rank every logo rather than put the ones we don't like into the "Not Interested" category?
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Yes if you could do that, it would be better and you will find more designers participating at your contest and giving their best, but doing so, keep your top potential ones on top 10 and the rest you are disliking or think do not fit on the lower ranks instead of marking them not intrested and giving more feedback as you go on your contest public forum, if that note is general to all to take notice of and personal feedback on each designer entry page that you liked and among your top 10 to have things more fined towards what you are looking for.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Chad, my advice is that if you think a design is generally good but not right for you, then rank but explain to the designer why it's not right for you. That way the designer might go back to the drawing board and come back with something you love. But definitely rank the best designs of the bunch. Few rankings is like telling designers to beware. We thrive on feedback -- this is a collaborative process. And don't just focus all your efforts on one designer, or you won't have a successful contest! We really WANT to do good work for you, but tossing all our designs into the not interested pile without feedback is like saying that you don't appreciate our efforts!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
I have a little different take on it. I say...rank anything you like even a little bit....and provide feedback as much as you can. But, If you're really not interested in a particular design....then mark it "not interested". If you have the time to tell the designer why, great. If a CH isn't interested in any one of my designs....I don't think I should get a ribbon for it just for entering. As a designer, it's just as helpful for me to see what you're not interested in as it is to see what you've ranked highly. I want to know right away if I'm off track. That way I don't keep going in a direction that has no hope of winning. But, that's just me.
15 years ago
Good feedback. Thanks all.
15 years ago
peachdz9 said:
.....But, If you're really not interested in a particular design....then mark it "not interested". If you have the time to tell the designer why, great. If a CH isn't interested in any one of my designs....I don't think I should get a ribbon for it just for entering. As a designer, it's just as helpful for me to see what you're not interested in as it is to see what you've ranked highly. I want to know right away if I'm off track. That way I don't keep going in a direction that has no hope of winning. But, that's just me.

I agree with peachdz9 - I want the designers to focus on what the I want... not what I rank. If I keep all of the logos in ranked form - say 50 of them - some may misunderstand that their image was still a "possible" candidate ... maybe not too far off... so they may start tweaking it... more often than not, this is not what the customer wanted....

If I put the images into the non-interested area - this pretty much tells the designers the obvious rather than beating around the bush...
15 years ago
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