Hi all,
I'm a CH and am wondering if I've made some errors in my logo writeup which could possibly turn off designers from giving my logo a try? Just wondering if you are too specific in your writeup is there a risk that designers will pass you by? (o.k., I soooo don't mean to be rhyming. . )
I've commented on almost every new entry privately or publicly, rank daily and don't know what else I should do, I thought putting my prize at $550 would entice folks but it doesn't appear to be working. . .now, my contest is a 10 day one, and we are three days in, is this normal? Do most entries come in the last day or so?
Any advice would be appreciated. . .I would hate to come away from this with only a few choices, considering the prize amount I have hanging out there. . .Ahhhhhh.
my link:
https://logotournament.com/contests/the_great_gorp_project_1Any thoughts would be awesome. . .