
Why do designers withdraw their submitted designs?
15 years ago
Logo Designer
if the contest still active, probably because the rank doesn't satisfy the designer. or probably he just feel that CH doesn't care for the design, lot's of reason.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
or designer was caught using cliparts or violating rules and their files were removed, so he has to withdraw.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
after the contest ends most designers remove all entires excepot the one that ranked highest. this is to keep our folio pages nice and tidy
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Or...if you do a logo, then do a similar one that you like much better. Withdraw, then replace. :)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
I personally remove the entries, which the CH didn't approve. It is useless for them to be anywhere on the site. I do it after the contests ends, because there is always a tiny possibility for the CH to like the rejected idea. :)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
I remove entries when a Client is Not Interested - either when he marks it as such or he just doesn't even seem to notice/care about one of my designs after it has been on for a while.

That is why it is important for Clients to understand that they must try and rank or give feedback to as many designs as possible. There have been competitions where a CH did not give any notice or feedback at all to many designs, even after a designer's request. You have to understand that we put a lot of effort and time into this and since there are many other contests happening at the same time it is only logical for us to withdraw a logo which does not attract interest, rank or feedback and perhaps use it somewhere else
15 years ago
Logo Designer
I try and keep even the "not interested" ones in the contest until it is complete. I have had designs marked this way in the past, only to have the client change their mind and award them some prize. It's not over till it's over. :)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
I get what you are saying peachdz9 yet in some cases it seems that the CH is set on specific logos, ignoring all the others...i guess sometimes you can just tell that the client has made up their mind ;-)
15 years ago
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