Forum A PM I got from newbie Return to Topics Return to Topics TahiaDesign Logo Designer ..."I am a web designer and developer. i don´t have much idea about logo designing. if you please tell me how can i start logo designing here, it will be very helpful for me.thank you...."Isn´t this a TOURNAMENT site? Aren´t designers supposed to ALREADY know how to design a logo? I´ve studied Corporate Branding at the University for 5 years and have been Corporate Branding and Corporate ID professor for the last 8 years. Should I explain all those years in one PM? hahahthis made my day! :)Nat 15 years ago offbeatdesign Logo Designer And you think he's any less qualified than some of the designers already posting logos? 15 years ago bugy Logo Designer lol yea good point offbeat, not that i can talk, i'm still a student =)i just love the fact that hes not asking for specific advice or a specific tip, its as if he wants you to teach him... well... everything..thanks for sharing lol 15 years ago 2B Pencil Logo Designer tell him you will help but the lessons cost money 15 years ago bugy Logo Designer lots and lots of money 15 years ago marzy Logo Designer come on gurys we've all tried that line before haven't we?? 15 years ago marzy Logo Designer *Guys oops (should be able to these posts) 15 years ago Aus-Media Logo Designer Just post all your advice here, I will send you the money after... I promise 15 years ago Sandhya Logo Designer HEy I'm ready to pay....Will you teach me NAT/Scott/Wolv/Carion/All the toppers??Dont have any formal training in desgining.But yes can code well. Ha ha ha...This guy really thinks his competetors will teach him...So glad of him. 15 years ago TahiaDesign Logo Designer Actually this site helps to improve A LOT! I mean, competition does. It makes you think more. 15 years ago Sandhya Logo Designer True.Cmpetetion helped me alot to improve.I Can think ...thats what I do rather than designing.... ha ha ha.HE thinks its so easy to reach to that perfection just like that, or taking lessons online....naaaaa...Also, learning to fight ... :) 15 years ago GoNorth Logo Designer I have no training in graphic design or marketing, does it show? 15 years ago Artistic Logo Designer GoNorth - it doesn't show at all! Sometimes even a hundred years of training, specialization can't make you a good designer. Don't mock the guy, be human for crying out loud! Tell him, that it is not possible to be done in a PM, and that you are his competitor and that is it. No need of posting topics and mocking him.. damn, the world is getting sicker, when people are having a laugh over this kind of simple stuff. 15 years ago bugy Logo Designer oh come on artibg, where's your sense of humor at? 15 years ago catalyst Logo Designer I got something similar yesterday:"Hi, I am new to this world of art, i have seen how great ur work is, and u have so many ideas.. i just wanted to know how can i be like you, i mean how can i learn to make logos like urs. I know photoshop , do you think i should learn some other sw? PLease guide me how can i start my career...."I thought someone was just tryna be funny, but now that I've read this thread...I'm off to PM this guy/girl back in 6/7 years.... 15 years ago Artistic Logo Designer catalyst, a friend of mine learned Illustrator in just a week or two. Now he's won seven contests. I won't tell you his name, because it is not appropriate. But... you see what I mean - years mean nothing here, creativity is the key. And that is what you should answer those people, asking you questions - be creative, learn the software, don't steal any ideas and you will be fine! There is a place for everybody here - if you are creative enought, somebody, somewhere will like your style. I have seen newbies winning contests to the "best" of the designers here. Really, experience is imprortant, but not vital! :) 15 years ago marzy Logo Designer learning the software might get you by but that won't make you a good communicator.logo design like all design is about problem solving. Believe it or not there is an academic side to graphic design and through the learning of the principals of design and communication you'll be a better designer. Whilst at college I was encouraged to read Roland Barthes and study semantics. Encouraged to learn about signs signifiers, index and icon. This was the time of a so called revolution in graphics and me and my fellow students were more interested in the work of Tomato and David Carson we didn't care for grids and such like. I now I have spent years trying to get that back as the revolution was a load of cak!!I encourage designers to study as much about the philosophy of graphical communication because it this that will shape your ideas. For me style is the least important aspect of a designers work as the ability to render and compound concepts is what engenders a graphic style. As for experience of course it isn't vital but I'm sitting here with toothache. My brother is pretty good with a hammer, but I think I would prefer the benefits of a dentist. 15 years ago Sandhya Logo Designer Now this is something really helpful adn a truth too, Marzy...Thanks dear :) 15 years ago marzy Logo Designer yes amateur dentistry is a strain on the health service. 15 years ago special-K Logo Designer give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day....teach a man to fish and he'll eat for a lifetime.....unless the fish aren't biting :) 15 years ago brandtub Logo Designer GoNorth said:I have no training in graphic design or marketing, does it show?all self taught all the way since 10 years ago.same here, does it show ? * wink wink * 15 years ago johntropea Logo Designer Hello from Italy, I'm learning Adobe Illustrator these days, thanks everyboby. 15 years ago Brendan Logo Designer Tell him to design his logos in Excell very good for logo design. 15 years ago Brendan Logo Designer Actually assuming he has talent a good place would be to go to and learn how to use Adobe Illustrator or Corel Draw. 15 years ago