
LT is very slow from my location. Who experience the same problem ?

From few months LT has become more and more slow from my location, (Asia) the average page loading time is between 30s and 1 min. In comparison others sites display almost instantly and my connection is OK (9mb) Who experience the same problem ?
13 years ago
LogoTournament Staff
It is a rare issue that clients have mentioned such slowness on the site. The few who have had trouble have tried repeatedly but have not been able to solve the issue while using the site.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
same here couple of days now

if i post comment on my design it takes so much time sometimes it doesnt repond and if i resubmit it displays 2 comments. sometimes it works great but time to time its slow, no idea why
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Same for Sweden/Stockholm.

I think I can see some kind of relationship between the site new functions and the slow loading, but have no real proof for this conclusion.

My findings are as follows:
1. About 40% of the times when submitting a design it takes between 30-50 seconds before the entry is accepted (350x280px submission)

2. Posting comments (clicking in Designer page) very often takes between 20-40 sec before it is accepted.

3. More serious though; about 10-20% of my visits to LT site (in the last 4 months), ends with a time-out error and this can occur all of a sudden, even if everything worked nicely just up to that point.

Hopefully this is not a specific LT site issue, but a network issue. Still it's serious.

13 years ago
Logo Designer
Akerman said:

My findings are as follows:
1. About 40% of the times when submitting a design it takes between 30-50 seconds before the entry is accepted (350x280px submission)

Same here.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
yes very slow
13 years ago
Logo Designer
perfect from bali indonesia (256mb) connection dial up with 3G modem ! 15/30 s to load all my entry, try to change your browser, i used opera Version 11.10, firefox get so slow. opera is better
13 years ago
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