
New Logo Contest for Martial Arts Organisation!!

Looking for a logo that will represent a International martial arts organization. (It's going to be on all of the students' uniforms and certificates) I am looking for a simplistictic, but a modern type of abstract logo, for example, Nike or Adidas (abstract with the full name ect.) which does not include figures such as; (no high-kicks, no punches, or any kind of fancy figures..)
And the name of proWES, I want to keep "pro" lower case, and "WES" being uppercase. In regards to the color scheme please keep the logos black and white. And please no Ying Yang symbols or fists.
Thank you.
14 years ago
I am getting closer with my logo idea. I guess I changed my mind to not use fist in the logo. It looks good if you guys integrate it with the name. But I still would like to see different versions of this idea from you guys.

Again, this logo is going to represent a international martial arts organisation and I want it to look classy.
I would like to invite all you guys to my contest.

Thank you!
14 years ago
Thank you everyone! I appreciate your work. I got lots of real good logos and unique ideas. I was little worried at first to express what kind of logo I was looking for, because I had no exact image in my mind but then you guys started sending those great ideas and helped me to made up my mind.
Thanks again!
14 years ago
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