
1 Day Left - 20 Entries - 4 Designers - Need Many More Please

Hi Everybody, really needs many more entries. Right now I'm strongly considering an extension as I have several people on my team who need to provide their opinion before I can make a decision.

The entries so far have been great and very creative, but we need significantly more alternatives to choose from. I hate to say it, but I had far greater success submission-wise on a competitor site with a $100 prize. I chose LT this time through a recommendation and with the impression that I would have well over 100 entries to choose from, given the prize of $575. is a huge project on a relatively strict timeline... An extension, if necessary, will delay us quite a few days, as the design of the site is going to be largely based upon the logo.

Please feel free to participate in this contest, and if you have any questions or concerns whatsoever, do not hesitate to let me know. I will be focusing on LT for the next 24 hours, so will be quick to rank/comment/respond.

I am well aware that submissions are supposed to pick up within the last 2 days of the contest, but I still wanted to raise more awareness, just in case their are issues I am unaware of with my contest. If my contest is somehow not following the status quo, please let me know and I will take care of it.

14 years ago
Logo Designer
Sorry - was blocked and couldn't view your page!
Hope you had some great responses!
14 years ago
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