
Designer has dropped out / Unresponsive; Contest not over yet - Help!

We received an entry that uses the concept that we like; however the entry is not what we want and the designer has not submitted any additional entries or even acknowledged our comments/feedback. His entry has been ranked in the top three, usually 1st place for the last several days. No response. ???

We are concerned that concept, which we believe to NOT be original (1. we've seen a similar concept in our market from a company who is no longer around, and 2. the concept uses a shape that is very common and happens to be a part of our company name), will not be developed to our liking because the designer who first submitted the entry using this concept seems to have dropped out of the competition, and the ones who are participating may be reluctant to develop it the way we want it.

What can we do to encourage the other designers to work with and develop this non-original concept? We are worried that we are not going to get the result we are envisioning.

Please advise. Thanks!
Carrie and Kyle
14 years ago
Logo Designer
are you talking about #7?

if so then i think its FunDesign concept and he has every right to protect it as it is now
14 years ago
Logo Designer
hello! our designer rules state that we may not use another designers unique concept. The hearth as Texas is considered a unique design in this case. Common elements would be: hearths, fire, texas, chimneys, brick. His concept is off limits to other designers because of how he merged common elements into a unique design. If another designer tried to work with his concept then they could face a violation on the site and be removed from your contest all together.

thank you for understanding!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Hey Carrie & Kyle,

I'm here! I've just been pretty busy the last few days. I'm currently working on the changes you requested.

14 years ago
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