
How do I add more logos to "Ranked Logos" section?

I have 8 logos on the ranked section, but can't seem to get any more on there - don't want to put them in the "uninterested section" but not sure how to proceed with this......thanks for any help
14 years ago
Logo Designer
14 years ago
Logo Designer
I will ask a MOD to help you..
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello! Unfortunately not having ever been a contest holder I don't know how things on your side work. My best suggestion would be to email the admin via the contact form - - and ask for help.

Sorry I couldn't provide more information.
14 years ago
LogoTournament Staff
Probably the best solution for that would be to refresh the page and try dragging them again. I have never heard of a client being unable to drag entries to the appropriate column.
14 years ago
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