
Scaling -- Different Size Logos Submitted

Some of the submitted designs pretty much fill the box and others take up less than 1/2 the space. I understand I can scale the design up or down in size but want to make sure I'm not missing something with the wide variation in design 'sizes' presented to me. I have to mentally shrink some and grow others to get to an apples-to-apples comparison. Any thoughts? Thanks!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi ckudrna,

Mostly it has to do what shaped the logo is if its sqare or circle logo then it is different than vertical or horizontal type of logos. All logos are centered inside of 350x280 canvas. They will start to look very ugly if all logos were same size size as canvas. I look at that contest and they are all just perfect size for preview.

True logo should be usable in small size too. but you allways miss something when scaled, if designer can make that % the lowest possible then it will be all right.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
The size at which a designer presents their logo is pretty much up to them. It's an individual aesthetic, for the most part -- some favor larger margins, some choose to make their logo as large as possible within the space allotted. For the most part, I think we all tend to fall into an average range, but there are definitely some folks who lean towards one extreme or the other. If there is a design you like, but want to see larger, you could possibly leave a request on the designer's submission page and ask them to resubmit with smaller margins (or, vice versa).
14 years ago
Logo Designer
In fact, LT admin and mods can, at their discretion, remove designs that do not fit the overall intended aesthetic of the site. Submissions are to be neatly centred with suitable whitespace all around and on fairly plain backgrounds. CKUDRNA brings up another good reason for following these submissions guidelines which is to be more easily able to compare designs against one another.

As far as quality goes, LT requires designs be produced in and submitted in vector format and that is technically scalable to any size. However, just because it's technically possible, does not mean a given design holds up aesthetically at different sizes. It is therefor important not to be mislead by designs are submitted overly large within the allotted space.

Hope this helps.
14 years ago
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