Are there ever instances where there is no one that submits designs for a specific contest? Are there certain contest that designers stay away from? How can I entice a designer to want to submit designs for my contest without increasing the reward price?
14 years ago
Logo Designer
We can start by posting a link to your contest here.
I would also recommend spending a bit of time reviewing portfolios of designers and making some direct invitations to those whose work you like and who have stylistic instances of a sort that you think might well represent your product/company. Use the DESIGNERS link at the top of the LT home page. You will find a list of designers and their statistics. Click on a designer's name and that will take you to their individual portfolio. If you like what you see, use the SEND PRIVATE MESSAGE button and reference the works you like and another to your contest.
Also, I will post a link to your contest in the Designer Discussion forum (and I'll be having a look and think myself...). You can generally expect a rush of entries toward the end of your contest too.
I would also recommend spending a bit of time reviewing portfolios of designers and making some direct invitations to those whose work you like and who have stylistic instances of a sort that you think might well represent your product/company. Use the DESIGNERS link at the top of the LT home page. You will find a list of designers and their statistics. Click on a designer's name and that will take you to their individual portfolio. If you like what you see, use the SEND PRIVATE MESSAGE button and reference the works you like and another to your contest.
Also, I will post a link to your contest in the Designer Discussion forum (and I'll be having a look and think myself...). You can generally expect a rush of entries toward the end of your contest too.
14 years ago
Thanks so much for your help guys! I appreciate the help. We are not too picky with what we are looking for because the Logo we have to work with is 20 years old we think it is pretty bad! I appreciate your help. I am new to this web page but my friend just used it to create a logo for their new Tennis store and I loved what they had. I believe this page can work I just didn't know what to expect! Again thank you so much I can not tell you how much I appreciate the advice.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
plasticity said:
give it a little bit time :) and logos will come :)
+1 :-)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
It is true there are contest that designers will not touch with 10 foot pole..or I should say seasoned LT designers it through experience that we can weed out the good and bad CH (contest holders)
however if a CH is worried about submission most designers will wait until the last 24 - 48 hours...but the draw back is that in 90% of these situation the CH ends up extending which again is a waste of our the designer's world a week is an eternity, most us can output 100 times faster than that which is why 2 or 3 day contests without extensions would be great...but that will never ahppen.
however if a CH is worried about submission most designers will wait until the last 24 - 48 hours...but the draw back is that in 90% of these situation the CH ends up extending which again is a waste of our the designer's world a week is an eternity, most us can output 100 times faster than that which is why 2 or 3 day contests without extensions would be great...but that will never ahppen.
14 years ago