
CH Ethics: What to do when you get pieces of a great LOGO from different designers

Ok If I like some portions from one designer and other portions from other designers can I ask them to refer to the other or is that copying. I LOVE the black and white image by #91, but I love the fonts of #93, I love the brightness of #53 and the background and great feedback of #50. These are all different designers and I dont understand the designer ethic, I really want the best logo and the designer that can meet my companies needs to win, but I am getting all the great pieces to a great logo from different designers, what is the ethical thing to do?
15 years ago
Logo Designer
You know, if such situations happen to me with "real" clients, eg. they ask me to combo different parts from different graphics I present them, I know that none of them are good so we usually start from very beginning.

If I were you, I would choose design which best reflects your needs and ideas, regardless what parts you like best. Try to provide constructive, yet general feedback, not focused on certain designs, otherwise you and designer get into troubles. Asking designers to use someone's else ideas or graphics is the worst thing you could do.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Let people know what you like about their respective logo, we as designers are able to see your feedback towards specific designers if we click on their logo, which lets us adjust our own designs to suit your needs.

Best not to tell designers to use aspects of others as it may get a bit messy...

Another option is to leave overall feedback on the main page referencing to the designs you like and why , we have a thing called logo court for people who want to misuse your information to blatantly copy others, they will be removed.
15 years ago
Thank you all for the post, I only asked because I wanted to make sure that I did the ethical thing and not offend any of the great designers on LT. Being that I am not in the industry and this is my first logo, I didnt know what proper protocal was. Now that I know I will make sure not to ask anyone to reference other designers. Thank you
15 years ago
Logo Designer
tatude (logo court, if people want to steal, state your case)
That comment isn't the reason why people copy, copycats are the reason for copying!! You can utilize information without disrespecting other peoples work. In my opinion the fact that CH's can give overall feedback is a big advantage and we shouldn't restrict the hand that feeds us too much.

Or we could expect the CH's to PM or personally post 120 designers to give one bit of direction...
15 years ago
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