
Friend Feedback help

OK, I feel like a real idiot, because apparently I am the only person on here who can't find how to invite my friends to give feedback on entries. Can someone point me in the right direction?
13 years ago
Logo Designer
haha. It´s easy!. Go to DESIGNERS tab and there you´ll find all active designers. Then you can click on each Designer´s name to browse their portfolio and see if their style matches your needs and then you can SEND A PRIVATE MESSAGE (button at designer´s portfolio) to the designer inviting him/her

13 years ago
Logo Designer
oh! You meant you want YOUR FRIENDS to comment on the entries you get, sorry.

Just link them to the contest page:


(thanks M)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Nat, LT has a feature that allows contest holders to invite friends to a special interface to rank and give feedback on entries.

Hi Rstuart, there should be a place for you to invite people by adding in their email addresses, but I haven't seen the contest holder side of things, so I personally don't know exactly how it works. You can contact support for help here
13 years ago
LogoTournament Staff
Sorry for this delay -
1) You need to login.
2) Once the contest has at least 5 designs and 5 designs ranked you can invite people.
3) The Friend Feedback icon will show up on the contest page.
4) Invite your friends.
13 years ago
and where would the feedback be located?
13 years ago
LogoTournament Staff
myfluffnstuff said:
and where would the feedback be located?

In the FF area. Click on the icon again and you will see the comments.
13 years ago
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