Take off the two brackets and #29 would be great. Can you try a slightly different font for "Zumbro" or even just the "Z" in the graphic- a little less sterile and just a tiny more warm and artsy/feminine? I love what you have but photography is purchased primarily by females, for emotional reasons. Need to make it something they can connect to.
I'd still like to see another version of #26 with the graphic smaller.
Wow - you're nailing it with #41! Quick change: different blue, more like in #34 of my contest. I love the font you found for "Zumbro"! The Z in the graphic is very artsy, but just slightly too much so. Can you take off the last little curl of the top of the Z (that points down to the middle, right above the cross hash)? And there is a tiny reflection or something right at the top center of the Z that I don't think needs to be there.
Now that I look again, I also really like #42. Great evolution of #26! I'll move it up in the rankings. Would prefer the gray section to be more neutral gray rather than brown, and again the blue could be more of a royal/navy.
On both, "Photography" could be a little larger, perhaps not 100% black. Can't tell at that size but I think I want a sanserif font for that part of the logo (see some of my other favorites)
Great work! I love the simplicity yet artsiness and slight abstraction of #65. "Zumbro" needs to be completely black so it's nice and bold like in #64. Could you try a version of #65 with "Photography" done similar to #55 or #13 from my contest? #67 would be much better if "Zumbro" was bold black; maybe the shadow on the "Z" darker.
Blue is still not quite right. I'm thinking more like Pantone PMS286 or something like R-0, G-61, B-245 in RGB.
#65 could be my favorite with a few changes: "Zumbro" needs to be completely black so it's nice and bold like in #64. No line between "Zumbro" and "Photography." Could you try a version of #65 with "Photography" done similar to #55 or #13 from my contest? Blue a little brighter.
Still really want to see the changes to #65 I mentioned in the last comment. Also I think #63 would be better if the graphic was a little smaller. Same as #65 - make "Zumbro" bold and black. At least take out the horizontal line between the words, or try something like in #55 or #13 for "Photography".
Obviously I love #113, but all the people I've had look at it can't see the "Z" well enough. Some say it looks like a "7". Can you move the "Z" up and to the left just a little so that the bottom right of the Z is more apparent?
Could you try #117 without the cross-line through the Z's? A tiny little extra color in the graphic around the top left and bottom right of the Z to make it stand out even more? Finally, for both #113 and #117 could you add a little more space between the letters of "Photography"? I like how it looks in #143 of my contest better. Thanks for your beautiful work!
#163 - can you take out the cross-mark of the Z in "Zumbro? And maybe make the drop shadow under the graphic just a little wider, or try it as an arc like in #43 of my contest? #165 is more readable now, but too much - extend the white from the diagonal of the Z all the way to top right and bottom left of the graphic. And get rid of the cross-mark on the Z's.
#170 is so nice...almost there. I think the Z in the graphic is still just a little to cursive - maybe just eliminate the last swirl (teardrop) hanging down at the top left of the Z.