Mascot: Like the concept. especially hair and bandanna. The zombie face needs work as the it looks to much like a monkey. we are shooting for a human that has converted to 40% zombie. ZMC may be good to place in the bandanna an remove the Star. ZMC font will not work so remove. The logo needs to be the mascot and Zombie Motor Cycle Club only so if you use ZMC in needs placement in the mascot. Font for Zombie motor cycle clubs needs to be more of a bold font non script. This way we can print it on a patch and other mediums. Keep the lines simple and clean not sketch like so it can be embroidered. Send us more...your in the running! Keep the biker concept and possible go a little active / wilder
BTW thanks for showing it in both black and white. We need one with some color, refer to #33 artist as the greens and yellow may work. Would leave it up to you !