Hi! Here's my first idea for your logo, I know it might be a little different from what you asked and i will submit more designs soon. For any suggestions or ideas please feel free to leave feedback. Looking forward to working with you!
Hello! Thank you for your design. I really like it...very different from what I was thinking originally. Is it possible to make the green on the tea leaf a bit lighter in color? Thank you so much. I look forward to seeing your designs.
Thank you again. I think I still like your original idea the best. And I know I'm asking a lot...on the original design, will you leave the letters black and make the tea leaf more of a grass-green color? Thank you for your consideration.
Hello! #27 is my favorite design that you have created. Can you please create another version with my slogan across the bottom? One with the slogan in black and another with the slogan in the same green would be great. Thanks!