Thanks for your message. Here you go 2 scketches based on your brief where you can ask for any changes or make any suggestions. I've made both innitials in a 3D way with the arrow for the engine optimization and to feature the easy usage, and another one with s stylized Z with the orange content/website beeing uploaded, fast... Kind regards,
Hello. Here you go 3 new entries based on your old logo, but with the Z beeing the first letter to be read since it's more prominent then the C, like in the business name. Posting also a icon option. I'm at your service till the end of your contest. Best regards,
Hello! Here you go a simple and strong layout, with good readabilty, where the icon can be used standing alone... The around brackets can symbol the website and also the code, since it also uses brackets :-) Best of luck to your contest and business,