Thank you. Right now this is our favorite color set. Can you please now revise this as you have 292, and add another revision that is like 292 but with 4 square corners?
Please do a version that replaces the bottom two bands with the two greens from 273 (Change black to the dark green, and the dark grey to the lighter green). Thanks!
Something else to try please... extend the lower left edge to the "margin" (align with the top of the left edge), so that the curve of the sweep begins slightly higher, so that the left margin is established at both the top and bottom of the graphic?
Can you please give us two more variations of this color scheme, with more contrast among the three green bands?
1. With the bottom green brighter?
2. With the bottom green darker and warmer (more earthy?)
Not quite, sorry.
1. Remove the center, near vertical white sweep line.
2. Flip the bottom white sweep, so that it follows the curve of the black - as it does in 279.
3. But unlike 279, the bottom white sweep should not cover all of the black... it should taper to a point directly below the end of the upper white sweep.
Ok nice work, can we take this further, the almost vertical white line going from bottom into the green please remove. The white line adjacent to the black line, could you end it quicker ie perhaps in line with the right hand tip of the almost horizontal white line in the green. So that shorter white line now runs from the right edge and only a short way into the black/red gap as opposed to all the way to the bottom of the image.
Congrats for being the preferred choice at present - can I ask for you to give a variant using the cool colours of "blue, black and grey". Also can you let me know what other logo related items you can help design?
Great. Could we please see a version like your #165, with the graphic to the left, and one of the stars in the constellation aligned with the star over the "i"
Please shift the words down, or otherwise align the elements in your discretion, in order to have the sun in the graphic and the sun above the "i" at the same level. Thanks!
I quite like these designs. Not as a replacement, but to see the alternative, could you please try a version that displays the 5-star constellation "Octans". You may point the constellation in the orientation that looks best to you. - jbm
can you align the star to be in line with the I in Zenira. Can you do another version with the colours in the box to red, white, green, blue and black and get rid of the other colours
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1. With the bottom green brighter?
2. With the bottom green darker and warmer (more earthy?)
1. Remove the center, near vertical white sweep line.
2. Flip the bottom white sweep, so that it follows the curve of the black - as it does in 279.
3. But unlike 279, the bottom white sweep should not cover all of the black... it should taper to a point directly below the end of the upper white sweep.
1) Replicate the white swoosh on the bottom right (no star though) as this will generate a vague Z impression
2) Alternatively, add a thin white layer above the black (think atmosphere layer) again to signal a a Z shape
3) Just use a gentle white indentation rather than a full swoosh to imply a Z shape.
Which logo design world you like to choose as the winner of your contest?
Best Regards.
Also any other colour variations you wish to suggest.
Blue, Green, Yellow, Red, Black
Use these hex codes please so they are the Olympic colours