Your Other HalfLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Your Other Half

Your Other Half has selected their winning logo design.

For $400 they received 209 designs from 38 different designers from around the world.


































































Logo Designer
These are various silhouette outlines of a man and woman depicting our mirroring of each other
If there are any variations or interchanging of elements on any of these please let me know I will be happy to work on them for you.
Thank you,
12 years ago
HI Tara, ur work is great! unfortunately though i cant use any faces images of men and women facing each other as if kissing lol but the first logo with the faces opposite each other is nice but if u could maybe make it more lively i feel it looks like a psych clinic logo or a text book. but thank u and keep up the awesome work!!
12 years ago
Logo Designer

I certainly will brainstorm to add some flair...Actually the others aren't kissing they are in a mirror.
Maybe if i separate them with a line to depict that better? I think your stylistic slider ?? is in the middle of feminine and masculine...would you want to try a nice script or handscript?

I will be back this evening and will work on some variations for you.
Thank you!
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Please if you could take a look at my LT portfolio and if you see any style of art or font that you like please let me know. It may help me in the design. If any of the designs are in 1st they cannot be used as well as some of the others ranks...but I can still change up a concept to a new design.
Thank you,
12 years ago
i checked out ur portfolio, ur work is seriously great! i didnt see anything there that would probably fit this kind of project, but maybe if u could go for a more modern style im thinking...we can try a friendlier style and a more modern update eye catching style and use of imagery. Thanks so much cant wait to see what u come up with!
12 years ago
Logo Designer
#40 #41 #42 #43
Here are a few more...I will think of some others and upload sometime tomorrow.
Your stylistic slider is over to 'loud'... do you want this based on lots of color or boldness? would you want to try additional colors than the ones you posted in your preferences?
This would help me.

Thank you,
12 years ago
HII, plzz i hate hearts looool if you could use something else that would be great..Also if u could maybe give me other versions on the first logo i liked with the opposite faces ranked #!1. the stylistic slider is a bit towards loud wanted to see if a more bold modern approach would look nice, feel free to choose the colors you like
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi, I will work on these for you.

If I take the first ranked and incorporate it with the man and woman's face looking at each other with a line separating them would that possibly work. I'm trying to understand a way to depict what is needed. With the faces looking away from each other are 'finding a way to come together' If they face each other maybe with more space between them to depict the similarities that we see in each other??
The visible depiction can be powerful statement of what you are sharing.

I will have some for you today or this afternoon...I am on Central Time.
Thank you,
12 years ago
heyy, as long as the faces are not close together or facing each other exactly than thats fine :)
12 years ago
Logo Designer
I added #85 #86 #87 and #88 for you and the last one in shades of violet may be changed to other monochromatic colors or complimentary colors would look nice and it is an original handscript.
I thought that maybe if the faces showed a distinctive line but not completely divided in how we see each other to depict coming together....they same is depicted with the hands coming together.
I look forward to your response.

Thank you,
12 years ago
Logo Designer
...and I just wanted to let you know that you may interchange any of the elements, fonts, colors, illustration etc.
If anything is closer to what you are wanting and not quite there on the design, layout or font, I can alter these as well.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
#94 I added more space between the faces and added color to the font.
I can add more space if needed.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
#114 Here is one other option with the same concept, I decided to stay with the aquas I tried oranges and navy and lavenders...they all seem to miss visual support for the concept, either too bold or not neutral enough.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi I just wanted to make sure you didn't miss #92 It is the mostly the same as the one I submitted that you have in first....also, please note the different in the dividing line which can be taken out as on #92 as well which seems that it would help it flow together..let me know what you think.....and also #114 which is the mirroring of each other and the faces aren't touching...the ring is symbolic of the wedding ring as well, two parts coming together.

Thank you!
12 years ago
Can i see #114 with a line down the middle of the two faces sort of separating them plzz, thanksss
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Sure, I'll do that
12 years ago
HI Tere, can u use entry # 12 in a more happier bubblier way. im getting feedback that it looks too serious and a bit off putting with the faces like that even though i love it the way it is. but maybe change the font a bit or the whole feel to see how it would look maybe in a lighter tone. thanks!
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Sure I'll think of some possibilities and get to that for you this afternoon....

Thank you
12 years ago
Logo Designer
I used scripts in these last 3 to soften up the feel of the logo...the scripts may be too feminine for you though....#203 going back to your original brief description for color preferences...I used analogous color scale. There are thousands of fonts...if you like scripts there are anything from fancy/ornate; playful; brush/textured and hand drawn scripts....if these don't work.

I will check for your response later.

Thank you
12 years ago
Logo Designer
actually these are more like a cameo feel....and to let you know any fonts, color combinations, layout or elements may be interchanged if you like something of one and of another.
12 years ago
HI Tere, plzz plzz plzz can u alter the logo so i can make a final decision...can u please brighten the color make the pink more fuschi and the the blue more turquoise or bright blue.. and can u plz place the the image next to the wording and change the font of the wording a bit to be more friendly kind of like the font in logo entry ranking number 2. and the same way its written there as well. YOUR
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi I will try the colors for you that I have in #182
And the font in number 2 is actually the same font I used just bold.
But if you mean adding some color to it I will do that and upload it within the hour.
It is 8:42am here so you know because of the time difference.

Thank you,
12 years ago
Logo Designer
#204 through #209
I added brigher colors as you requested the turquoise and fuschia pink and even added back the previous emblem which you said the faces were too close, I put more space between them and brightened the colors on everything to open it up and keep it inviting for your customers and still professional.

If you look at the bridge of the nose on the male I soften the line on #204 and #205. I changed the dividing line to reverse since the more I looked at the gray line it seems too abrupt and detracted on #206 and #207. The font you are referring to is the same that is on my entries just condensed more and bold. Iadded an very simple san serif font as another option because of the simplicity on #204

In regard to the layout orientation of the heading in 2nd place out of respect for this designer, since they are the only one who used that layout I tried to stay with the stacked 3 words as well as the order of the colors. I hope you understand.

If I may give you my ideas as a designer... how the eye reads the heading breaks up the flow with the 2 part line which you don't want to break up "Your' flowing with the entire name since it is one thought. When it is stack in 3 parts it doesn't interrupt the flow because they are equal in size even though the colors of each word are different it gives the reading of each word as rythm.

You have mainly chosen Serif fonts but would you consider scripts again, to be more inviting or soften the look and not be too feminine but neutral? You hadn't picked any of my previous fonts that were script or handdrawn styles, if you would like to look at them again.

I hope this isn't too much information at once time, but if you pick and chose and rearrange any of the elements that you like they can be combined into one layout. But if you will let me know I will continue to condense the selection.

I look forward to your response and I will check back again later today and this evening..i
t is 10:16am here on Tues.

Best Regards,
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Maybe if #205 and #207 are still your preference and you want the orientation of the one in 2nd place I could work something out with that designer and split the prize...not sure how that works but can find out if you want it that way.

Thank you
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you!!!
I sent you a private message

12 years ago
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