I don't think we need Young Presidents Organization on it since we have YPO which is the same thing. Like the nautical theme and the script of Bon Voyage. Is there anyway to show that the ship is first class. The boat is over the top in luxury. Might seem to dark with so much black.
The one ranked #4 looks too much like pirates. I do not like the cros bones. I do like it not being in a perfect circle and having th flag stick out a bit. Can you show that there will be good education on the cruise as well as fine dining,etc?
I like number 8 but in number 12 colors. For some reason the gold is throwing me off since ithe boat is called Silver Sea. Another question, does it flow better to say Silver Seas with an s or keep it to the name of the boat?
You are on a roll! I really like #21 and #22. The Bon Voyage does not show up well so maybe try a different font or bold it or make it larger?? Also in all of yours can you take the ... off before Bon Voyage? I think #17's Bon Voyage shows up better with it being in white vs. black. Good job.
Our committee is reviewing now for our final choice. A comment was made to change out the martini glass in the middle with a palm tree or anchor. See which one looks best. Thanks