We like your design #38 but could you do some variations for us? Firstly, the slogan needs to stand out more in maybe the same dark blue as the outline of Yo-Yum or even a black colour. If you could also look at variations of the tongue design that would be fantastic because it isn't that clear and feel free to experiment with a different colour tongue. With #39 what about the border of Yo-Yum in black with a black slogan? The font of the slogan isn't as clear as it might be so experiment with a different font. Thanking you in anticipation.
Two new variations including options for the tongue shape and color as well as darker tagline colors and fonts. Let me know what you think and I can make additional adjustments if you would like.
I think it's coming along nicely. The color helps the tongue dramatically as well as the improved shapes. Both tag lines stand out a bit more as well with simpler fonts and bolder colors.