Concept: The initial letters Y and P combined whereat the 'Y' is rotated 90 degrees to form a backwards play button in the negative space. everything is customizable if you are interested. Best Stickie
Concept update: 1. I have added the rewind symbol in some of my entries 2. The word yesterday means ''back in time'' therefore the black and white logo (analog with old black and white movies) and the scratches on the film tape combined with a more classic looking font. - #180 , #181 , #182 and a more refined #184
#187 is a cleaner version with a more neutral font..
if you insist on a modern version, there is #123 or #121 and #122 which are very strong and clean lettermarks with enough meaning incorporated (I could add a rewind symbol inside as well if you are interested) Best Stickie