Izmild, thank you so much for your very creative logos. We really like entry #23 the best out of the three. We like the tri-colors but not the font. Productions has to be just as important as Yesterday. It needs to pop so that upon first look someone will know what we do. And we love our tag line, "the highlight of your life", and want to keep it in our design. We really like the "rewind" logo.
Thanks so much for #32. We still are not happy with the font. It just doesn't feel right. We do like the logo and the colors are great. "Productions" still needs to be more noticeable. Perhaps a darker color for "Productions" would work. Thanks again.
Thanks for your entry. We like the logo (#33). However we feel that it's just not working for us. The "yesterday" is not flowing for us. Sorry we can't be more specific with feedback but it's just not what we are looking for. Thanks so much for your effort please let us know if you have any other ideas or designs in mind. We really like your creativity and look forward to seeing more of your work. Thanks again,
Thanks so much for all your entries. We really like #61. It is very eye catching. We think that the 3 colors for "Yesterday" break up the flow of the logo. We would also like to see the tag line "The highlights of your life." as well. We look forward to seeing what you come up with. Thanks again.
Looks better. However we feel that "Yesterday" should be one color instead of 3. It seems to be breaking up the word too much for us. It would be interesting to see if you can accent the "Pro" in "Productions" much like the "Yes" in "Yesterday". Thanks so much.