i like the idea of the school bag of of logo ranked second. like the professional look of logo ranked 1 and like the windows in shape for of another logo.
the yellow of "yellow" is too bright. lets use a slighty darker grey for nursery still keeping it subtle. lets put a paintbrush in the submarines hand more than a pencil. maybe add a small propeller to the submarines tail.
The words don't show very clearly because the yellow is bright....maybe we can make a darker outline around the letters like in the one ranked number 4?
the 'Nursery' in grey needs to be a little bit darker to show on printouts Also..I feel as though the submarine looks more like a fish...like the shape of it...can we try to make it more like a submarine? ovally i guess
as said in one of teh previous comments; the submarine looks more like a fish. can we change the shape of the body to make it more oval, keeping face the same and the propeller the same?
Hi, can you pleas try to do 'yellow submarine' in a different font. nursery is fine. it's just that i feel it needs to be a bit more spaced out like for example take a look at the word 'submarine' in client ranked 2nd.
after adding the darker border around the letters it made it too stuck together that it's hard to read from a distance
Right now I have to go to the park with my kids, because it's 5 o'clock in the afternoon in Romania and I promised to take them for a walk, but I'll send you the revisions first thing tomorrow. I hope that's OK with you.
Also when you have the time maybe you can change the face/smile ... can you see the ones ranked 2 and 3. i feel as though their faces and smiles and cuter
1. change the font of yellow submarine to the same font of logo ranked 3rd. 2. remove the bubbles 3. can you try and work on the submarine so he looks like the ones rank 1 and 3.
I'm really sorry, but I can't do the things from 1. and 3., because that would mean copying and that's agaist the rules here and on every logo contest site there is. You can get banned for it and it's morally wrong. I can remove the bubbles and work some more on the submarine, but I can't use the same font as other designers or copy elements of their work.
i believe there was a misunderstanding. as per the font i meant to do it similar to the one ranked 3rd as its simpler all in capital letters and neater. as per the submarine, i would never ask designers to copy each others work; i meant as i like more the others submarine; the look of it, its to give you an idea towards what im looking for and like more.