Xecutioner PDR ToolsLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Xecutioner PDR Tools Xecutioner PDR Tools has selected their winning logo design. For $275 they received 58 designs from 15 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Annotation Delete We are sorry, but the time to edit this annotation has expired. Save Cancel Entries by giza Return to Contest Return to Contest Comment Activity Order by Ranking Entry Number Comment Activity To leave a comment please click on the logo. 1st 2 2nd 1 3rd 1 4th 3 5th 2 8th 1 9th 2 10th 1 New 1 Prefers others. 1 Comment Activity giza commented on #57 Hi, Do you want another change on the design? feel free to let me know.. Thanks! 4 years ago giza commented on #58 And here's the red added in the mask. Let me know...Thanks! 4 years ago giza commented on #57 Here's the red added in the writing 4 years ago giza commented on #56 Hi, thanks for the feedback, here's my revision with the reds on the eye and corner of the tools handle. 4 years ago grayduckdent commented on #52 This is almost perfect! I would like to see this with some dark red incorporated, eyes, corners of the tool handles, and top half of the text...I will try posting a picture of the finished tools to give you a better idea of what we’re going for... 4 years ago grayduckdent commented on #52 I will try posting a picture of the finished tools to give you a better idea of what we’re going for... 4 years ago giza commented on #52 And here's a variation...hope you like it 4 years ago giza commented on #51 Hi, thanks for the feedback, here's my revision.. 4 years ago grayduckdent commented on #50 Loving this! Can we try it without the X R in the eyes... Is there a way to make the hood black without screwing everything else up...? 4 years ago giza commented on #50 And here's a variation.. 4 years ago giza commented on #49 Hi, thanks for the feedback, here's my revision with the fonts for the name. Hope I'm working on the right track. 4 years ago grayduckdent commented on #4 Yes This is looking awesome. I am hoping you can show me some different fonts for the XecutioneR PDR Tools 4 years ago giza commented on #5 And here's a variation without the hood.. Hope you like it 4 years ago giza commented on #4 Hi, thanks for the feedback, here's my revision, hope I'm working on the right direction.. 4 years ago grayduckdent commented on #1 I really like the Knights mask on the bottom of the face... anyway we can make the top half of the face a skull? And the eyes an X and R? 4 years ago
Comment Activity
Do you want another change on the design?
feel free to let me know..
Can we try it without the X R in the eyes...
Is there a way to make the hood black without screwing everything else up...?
I am hoping you can show me some different fonts for the
PDR Tools