I'm expressing the "crazy" with different and crazy methods - as the reflected "Z" as a person in #176 and in entry #169 I added crazy circles to remind of eyes. Let me know what do you think.
hello again:-) Many tahnks for your projects. General conclusion from my marketing consultants: the name of web service suggest someting crazy, so good ideas with changed z in the name(just little bit crazy), but not good is a biting - neagtive emotions(i bit, because, Im angry;-) crazy eyes could be interprete like someitng to hide...;-) Logoype should be a happy people like a sign, they are closed themself and they happy of deal Two peopole suggest collective deal and hands up like jump show happy, cool , clearance from good deal few other colour bag in hand suggest many type of shopping I hope, this my last advice, for projects... Thank you Kamil