Hallo, Thank you for your changes.
1. FAI needn't to be so big. Remove FAI from where it is and put there JUMP-TANDEM logo (from the top)
2. Sorry my mistake. In the text below replace JUMP-TANDEM with Prostejov 3. from the logo must be seen it is "WORLD event" - Globe or something similar. I see the globe in the curve above the skydivers but try more 3D. Globe, map?
Very nice. There must be written: FAI World Wingsuit Flying Championships 2018
JUMP-TANDEM - Czech Republic (instead of WWFCH2018). Thank you. Sorry for missleading
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1. FAI needn't to be so big. Remove FAI from where it is and put there JUMP-TANDEM logo (from the top)
2. Sorry my mistake. In the text below replace JUMP-TANDEM with Prostejov 3. from the logo must be seen it is "WORLD event" - Globe or something similar. I see the globe in the curve above the skydivers but try more 3D. Globe, map?
JUMP-TANDEM - Czech Republic (instead of WWFCH2018). Thank you. Sorry for missleading